Sunday, November 3, 2013

Photography in Service Adventure

Kincaid Beach, Sunrise
 The past several years, photography (predominately of the natural world) has been a growing interest for me. It has steadily developed into a passion of mine; something that to which I have devoted many hours reading about, looking at, and, of course, actually making photographs. I was excited about what the nature photography prospects might be up in Anchorage. Having been in Anchorage for over two months, I have found time to spend out in God’s wonderful Alaskan creation doing photography, even in spite of the numerous other commitments, activities, and experiences that we have going on. Alaska has no shortage of the beautiful outdoors, and our unit has spent a good amount of time out in it, hiking, backpacking, biking, or otherwise.

My favorite place to photography near the house is at Kincaid Park, a large park about 7 miles from the house with plenty of bike and ski trails as well as access to a beach. We have made a number of trips down to this beach at sunrise or sunset to observe the changing light, weather, and landscape. Sometimes these trips are impromptu – a seemingly compulsive response to the vibrant sunset light beginning to blossom in the sky. Other times, it’s more of a planned endeavor. As can be seen in the photo below, I am in the process of trying to make a photo I have in my mind’s eye: the setting moon at sunset over a certain mountain. (fun fact: the moon only sets with the sun when it’s a new moon; it therefore might be quite hard to actually make the image described above. But we’ll try!)

Redoubt Mountain, Sunset I
Below is a selection of photographs I have made thus far in Alaska. I hope you enjoy them – comments and feedback are always welcome!
Redoubt Mountain, Sunset II

Redoubt Mountain, Sunset III

Star Trails and Mountain
Kincaid Beach, Sunrise


  1. They are magnificent ! Each of them unique and lovely! --Uncle Bill

  2. Those are beautiful and amazing, Mark!! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Great images, Mark! I hear via Susan that you are doing really well. Love to hear your reflections on life in SA, and the photos really are spectacular. Keep posting. :)

  4. Mark, your pictures are astounding! I am gaining new appreciation for the work and planning that goes into getting that perfect picture. Or, is the perfect picture like the holy grail?
